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Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare: Do’s & Donts

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare Dos and Don’ts

Recover faster wuth wisdom tooth extraction aftercare tips from HQ Dental Design. Reduce pain, swelling, and heal smoothly

Wisdom teeth normally erupt in our late teens or early twenties. If they are healthy and positioned correctly, wisdom teeth can occasionally be a valuable addition to our mouths. However, they usually require removal because they are not aligned properly. Tooth extraction is a major oral procedure for wisdom teeth.

Every time we have surgery, we want the wound to heal properly and swiftly. As a result, we put together a list of tasks related to wisdom teeth extraction aftercare.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare

The amount of swelling, bruising, and bleeding that you will likely experience following your procedure can be easily reduced with a little extra tender loving care. With these wisdom teeth repair instructions, you’ll be eating like a king in no time if follow wisdom tooth extraction aftercare.


You will look like a charming chipmunk with swollen cheeks after having your wisdom teeth out, which is wonderful news. Are you not a Chip 'n' Dale fan? The swelling of wisdom teeth can be easily reduced. Apply cold packs intermittently to the outside of your mouth for up to two days. By doing this, tooth pain, bruising, and swelling will be reduced.


Depending on how many wisdom teeth you have removed, expect to bleed a little. Your dentist or surgeon will cover The extraction site with a gauze pad. To assist control the bleeding after surgery, you must leave this pad in place for at least half an hour. To help coagulate the blood, you can apply light pressure by biting down on the gauze pad.

Medicine As Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Antibiotics and painkillers will be prescribed by your oral surgeon or dentist to fight the infection. This is not the moment for courage. To reduce your pain and aid in your recovery, make sure you take the suggested prescription.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare Activities:

  • Get some rest. For the next few days, relax. You don't have to be confined, though.
  • Raise your head. Your level of swelling will decrease if you rasise your head.
  • For the first 24 to 48 hours following the extraction, apply an ice pack. Icing will reduce swelling and minimize pain. For periods of one to two hours, apply the ice packs for fifteen minutes on and fifteen minutes off.
  • On your cotton gauze, bite. Applying pressure will help stop the bleeding as wisdom tooth extraction aftercare.
  • Keep it tidy. Every day, gargle with a solution of salt and water.
  • Eating soft foods and liquids for a few days. For example, soups, mashed potatoes, yoghurts, smoothies, and milkshakes as wisdom tooth extraction aftercare.
  • Use the other side. It's important to let the wound in your gums heal without disturbing it.
  • Open and close your mouth slowly as you perform jaw exercises. However, you shouldn't do this right away after being extracted.
  • ● Take enough liquids, particularly water, but avoid using straws!
  • Follow your doctor's instructions when taking your medications. If you miss a dose, it will be hard to relieve the pain later.
  • Gently brush. Beginning the second day following surgery, brush your teeth. However, avoid brushing the area where wisdom teeth are extracted as a part of wisdom tooth extraction aftercare.

Things Not to Do After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

  • Do not use straws. Avoid smoking, drinking, spitting, and sucking. The blood clot that forms over the extraction area is maintained by avoiding them. More bleeding and discomfort could occur if the clot comes loose. There will be a possible adverse impact known as dry sockets.
  • ● After surgery, avoid eating, drinking, and talking right after.
  • Avoid solid foods. For at least a week, stay away from crunchy or hard foods like popcorn and potato chips. Avoid spicy foods, sodas, hot or fizzy beverages, etc. According to dentists, solid food should only be consumed four to five hours after extraction.
  • Aspirin should never be taken. It thins the blood and prevents clots from forming.
  • After the first 48 hours following the extraction of your wisdom teeth, stop ice. Use hot water in your extraction location instead. It will ease your pain and encourage recovery.
  • Avoid using your tongue, finger, tissue, or toothpick to prod the opening. It can cause you to heal more slowly. As a result, it could cause bleeding and a dry socket.
  • Try not to rinse your mouth too hard. The blood clot may become dislodged by the pressure, leading to difficulties.

Following these wisdom tooth extraction aftercare will help you in your dental implants to get good dental health. Lastly, see your dentist if the bleeding doesn't stop after a day or if you have a high fever or level of discomfort.


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