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Dental Anxiety HQ Dental Georgetown, TX


Dental anxiety or dentophobia is a common fear in the USA. According to the research, about 36% of people are afraid of visiting to the dental office. So, if you are one of them don't worry about it. It can happen because of a past bad experience at the dental office, maybe some other trauma leading to this phobia or you might just not like someone being very close to your teeth while your mouth is open. But, No matter why you have dental phobia and how extreme it is our dentist knows how to treat it well.

At our clinic, we know how to handle patients with dental anxiety. When you visit our clinic in Georgetown TX we will discuss a complete plan with you and make sure you stay comfortable throughout the whole process. Also, we give you tips on how to ease dental anxiety so you can cope with this phobia. Don't hesitate, we’ll encourage you to visit us or call us at (512) 863-7561 .

Ari Marco

HQ Dental team have done fantastic high quality routine and cosmetic work on my teeth as well as my families. There is no better dentist in Georgetown.

Tan Nguyen

HQ Dental is among the best dental clinics I have visited. I think their secret is the true care of patients.

Anastassia Moser

Everyone who worked in my mouth was extremely gentle, yet thorough. They’ve certainly found a patient for life

Understanding of Dental Anxiety

Patients who suffer from dental anxiety, commonly called dental phobia, have a crippling fear of visiting the dentist. Dental anxiety sufferers know their dread is unfounded, but they have little to no control over it. They can be so terrified of going to the dentist that they won't go unless they are in pain. Other typical indications of dental phobia include:

  • ● increasing anxiety in the waiting area of a dentist
  • ● intense anxiety at the idea of a dentist putting items in the mouth while performing a procedure
  • ● Physical reactions when considering going to the dentist
  • ● The night before a dental visit, I had trouble sleeping

Dental anxiety can occasionally become so bad that it's diagnosed as abnormal. A patient could gain from psychological therapy if their dental anxiety significantly impairs their ability to function normally. Although they are mindful that their fear is unfounded, those who suffer from dental anxiety frequently lack the tools to control it.

" The first step to phobia management is for patients to be open and honest with their dentist about their anxieties."

How We Manage patients With Dental Anxiety

Managing patients with dental anxiety patient-centered approach. First, our dentist try their best to understand what causes them this fear. Whether it is blood, pain, needles, smell Or what.

Once we get into understanding of what makes them anxious we’ll try to cope with that fear. We did this all by good communication and building trust. Furthermore, if we understand that the pain is the cause of everything then we use sedation dentistry to cope with the pain. But, in most cases, a bit of distraction work like turning on the TV or the headphones.

Dental phobia's root causes

Dental anxiety can affect people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. Many things, including but not limited to fears of anesthesia, injections, pain, feelings of embarrassment, and emotions of powerlessness, might make someone feel uneasy about the idea of sitting in the dentist's chair.

Those, as mentioned above, are all good reasons to feel anxious. They do not, however, have to take over a patient's dental visit. The first step in managing a phobia is for patients to be upfront and honest with their dentist about their fears. Effective communication is essential to a positive patient-dentist relationship at HQ Dental.

" Our dental team may offer numerous tips for at-home oral care to help eliminate oral health problems between dental exams."

How to Manage Dental Anxiety

Dealing with an arrogant dentist might only make things worse. Therefore Finding the correct dentist is the first step in controlling dental anxiety. Additionally, patients should discuss any suggested coping mechanisms with the office staff and decide on a signal to let the dentist know when they need a break.

Additionally helpful are mindfulness exercises. While in the dentist's chair, patients might wish to try body scans or breathing exercises. Some people may find it helpful to divert their attention by donning headphones or holding something in their hands.

Patients should also disclose to the dentist if they have a high pain threshold, even under local anesthesia. Patients shouldn't feel ashamed about asking questions or being honest about their fear. This is the only way to create a dental anxiety attack strategy that is truly unique to the individual.

" Some patients may need more rigorous treatment measures if their dental anxiety is more severe."

Anesthesia & Dental Anxiety

Some individuals may need more intense management techniques if their dental anxiety is more acute. These consist of the following:

Analgesia is relative. Relative analgesia, also called "laughing gas," involves giving patients a mixture of O2 and N2O through a face mask. This medication works quickly and then quickly wears off. Despite staying awake, patients are at ease throughout the operation.

Medication for anxiety. The most common form of anxiety medication for dental anxiety is a tablet. A doctor or a dentist may recommend it. A single, quick-acting dose will be administered to the patient roughly an hour before their dental session.

Mindful Sedation. Anesthesiologists or sedation dentists can deliver conscious and intravenous (IV) sedation. Twilight sedation refers to the possibility of patients receiving conscious sedation nodding off into a light sleep.

Anaesthesia general. The most vital type of sedation, general anesthesia, is delivered through breathed gases and IV medicines. Patients are sedated and must see a doctor before and after the procedure.

Not every dental operation or patient is a good candidate for every type of sedation. Our skilled team consults with patients frequently to deliver the most comfortable experience possible.

Pediatric Dental Anxiety

On behalf of their children, parents frequently endure dental anxiety. Children will pick up on any tension that parents show. Therefore, parents should maintain a calm demeanor. Parents shouldn't warn their kids that something will hurt or be painful, and they shouldn't reward them for visiting the dentist. Children will only anticipate something terrible and behave accordingly if you do this. While it is essential for parents to let their kids know about any upcoming dentist appointments, they shouldn't give them too much information about what to expect. Dentists have been trained to provide straightforward, non-threatening responses. Instead, parents should emphasize that their kid's good dental hygiene is essential.

I am Scared of Dentist but Need Treatment

It's a sentence of patients who are scared of either a dental office or the dentist. People with dental anxiety do not visit the clinic even if they need treatment. It results in leading to poor oral health. If you are in some kind of situation like this and living near by georgetown TX. We recommend to have trust in us, and dial: (512) 863-7561

Our dentists know very on how to treat patient anxious patients. If you are living near Georgetown tx search for a dentist near me or an anxiety dentist near me and you will find us. First, you can visit us, have a communication with us, see the environment, and meet the dentist. We will explain to you the whole process. Once you are relaxed we can give you another date to come so when you come you’ll have no fear.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Anxiety

Because it’s typical for kids to have dental fear, many dentists plan to utilize relaxing methods. These include voice control, nonverbal cues, straightforward instructions, reinforcement, distraction, and, occasionally, anesthesia.

Between 9% and 20% of Americans skip visiting the dentist because of dental fear, according to WebMD. Any age or background might experience dental anxiety.

“Dental anxiety” is frequently used interchangeably with “dental phobia.” However, dentophobia, dental terror, fear of dentists, and odontophobia are interchangeable. All of these terms describe the same phenomenon.

Postponing critical dental care may be bad for your general health. Patients who put off visiting the dentist because of dental phobia are more likely to experience gum disease and tooth loss. These, in turn, can result in a drop in self-esteem and harm a person’s general quality of life.

Over time, you should experience reduced dental anxiety thanks to ongoing exposure to the dentist and favorable dental experiences. Given the severity of your issue, you might also benefit from receiving dental care specific to your needs and psychiatric assistance for your phobia at a different facility.