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Dental Deep Cleaning HQ Dental Georgetown, TX

Dental Deep Cleaning Georgetown tx
If your dentist has recommended a Dental Deep Cleaning, you may be unsure of the differences between this and your routine dental cleaning. To remove the tough plaque and tartar that a routine cleaning can't remove, consider it a deep dive below the gum line. This teeth deep cleaning guide will go over why you might require this treatment, what to expect, and how deep cleaning can maintain the best possible condition for your smile.

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Everyone who worked in my mouth was extremely gentle, yet thorough. They’ve certainly found a patient for life

What Actually Is Dental Deep Cleaning?

The process known as scaling and root planing is often called dental deep cleaning. The two-step procedure entails scaling—the removal of plaque and tartar from areas above and below the gum line—and planing, or smoothing, the tooth root surfaces. If your periodontal disease, commonly known as periodontitis, is advanced, your dentist or hygienist can suggest extensive cleaning.

Dental Deep Cleaning Vs Regular Cleaning

Plaque and tartar are removed from the crowns of your teeth, which are the sections of your teeth that are often visible above the gum line, during your twice-yearly dental cleaning. After removing any visible plaque and tartar that built up since your last appointment, your dentist or hygienist will polish your teeth to remove any remaining surface stains using a manual or ultrasonic instrument. All of these procedures are a part of your regular preventive dental treatment and can lower your risk of tooth decay and early gum disease, or gingivitis.

On the other hand, gum disease that has progressed to an advanced level is treated with a deep cleaning of the teeth (periodontitis). It also addresses the tooth's root surfaces, which are located well below the gum line. Let's go into more depth about how periodontitis occurs and why scaling and root cleansing are used to cure it.

When Is a Dental Deep Cleaning Required?

Advanced gum disease, a bacterial infection of the gums, bone, and other tissues holding the teeth in place, is treated by deep cleaning.

A build-up of plaque around the gum line is the cause of gum disease, the early stage of gum disease. At this point, the issue is usually resolved with a normal dental cleaning (scale and polish) and improvements to oral hygiene.

But periodontitis can develop from untreated gums eventually. At this point, the tooth root surfaces that are below the gum line start collecting plaque and tartar, or hardened plaque. After then, bacteria may break down and loosen the teeth by infecting the bone and ligaments.

Since home hygiene and even routine dental cleanings are insufficient to eliminate this "subgingival" plaque and tartar, your dentist will probably suggest a scale and root planing procedure as a first course of action.

Am I Right Candidate For Deep Cleaning?

Sore, swollen, red gums that may bleed when you brush and floss are the hallmarks of gingivitis. A quick trip to the dentist if you observe these signs could stop periodontitis from spreading. Comprehensive cleaning of the teeth may be required if any of the following signs indicate that periodontitis has already begun to develop:

  • ● A foul taste in your mouth or persistent bad breath.
  • ● Receding gums that appear to be getting smaller.
  • ● Sections of the gum line that show the tooth root.
  • ● Sensitivity, particularly in the vicinity of the gums. .
  • ●Loose teeth.
  • ● Shifting Teeth
  • ● Alterations to the way your dentures
  • ● Some Change it Biting
  • ● Discomfort during chewing.

A comprehensive periodontal assessment (CPE), performed by your dentist or hygienist, can determine the extent of gum disease. They will check for periodontal pockets between your teeth and gums using a probe tool as part of the CPE. Plaque and tartar accumulate on the roots of teeth as gum tissue begins to pull away from the tooth surface, creating pockets. Therefore, if your periodontal pockets are more than 3 mm, scaling and root planing may be beneficial.

The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) recommends getting a CPE as part of our regular twice-yearly dental check-ups. That provides even more motivation to honour your scheduled appointments! Make an appointment as soon as possible if it has been a while as gum disease is easier to treat the sooner it is discovered.

The Procedure of Dental Deep Cleaning at Georgetown TX

At Our Clinic in Georgetown, Dental deep cleaning happens in two phases.

  1. Scaling
  2. Root planing

1. Scaling:

First, Our dentist will remove germs, tartar, and plaque from both above and below the gum line using an ultrasonic scaler, a manual scaler, or both. Even laser scalers, which might cause less swelling and discomfort than traditional tools, may be used by certain specialists with specialised training.

2. Root planing:

In the second phase, the teeth's root surfaces will be smoothed by our dentist. Smooth surfaces are less likely to allow plaque to stick, which lowers the possibility of additional plaque accumulation following your surgery. Reattaching your gums to your teeth during the healing process also helps to reduce the depth of periodontal pockets. This is accomplished by smoothing the roots.

It takes one to two hours to complete scaling and root planning in a single session, although it can be divided into two appointments. To help destroy bacteria and avoid illness, your dentist may additionally apply antimicrobials below the gum line or offer you antimicrobial items to use at home.

Pros & Cons Of Dental Deep Cleaning

By promoting healing, preventing plaque and tartar buildup, and easing gum disease-related sensitivity and discomfort, tooth cleaning successfully heals gum disease and lessens the need for more involved medical interventions. Click here to learn more about Pros and cons of dental deep cleaning.

Cost of Dental Deep Cleaning

Because scaling and root planing are essential to your oral health, they are typically covered by dental insurance. The initial out-of-pocket expenses, if you are covering yourself, range from $200 to $300. Before committing to a treatment plan, speak with your dentist and insurance company. The final cost of care is mostly influenced by factors such as provider expertise, location, and degree of gum disease.