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Dental Sealants HQ Dental Georgetown, TX

Dental Sealants HQ Dental Georgetown, TX

Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars to prevent from cavities. It can save teeth from cavities and help in restoring teeth that have already started to decay. It is a solution for children and adults who do not floss or brush their teeth regularly. Just doing oral teeth care and visiting a dentist at least 2 times a year for routine dental procedures can prevent future dental problems.

If you are looking for dental sealants near Georgetown TX or nearby areas you might be looking for us. We recommend you to call us (512) 863-7561 or visit us to maintain preventive dental health.

Ari Marco

HQ Dental team have done fantastic high quality routine and cosmetic work on my teeth as well as my families. There is no better dentist in Georgetown.

Tan Nguyen

HQ Dental is among the best dental clinics I have visited. I think their secret is the true care of patients.

Anastassia Moser

Everyone who worked in my mouth was extremely gentle, yet thorough. They’ve certainly found a patient for life

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants provide extra safeguard against tooth decay by attaching a thin layer of plastic onto the tooth surface. This protective coating helps prevent food particles from getting stuck in the crevices of the teeth and deters bacteria and acid from settling there. The American Dental Association reports that sealants can thwart up to 80% of cavities in the molars.

Dental sealants have been widely utilized for over 40 years and their usage continues to increase. Studies have demonstrated that children who do not receive sealants are more than twice as likely to develop cavities as those who have had the procedure. As a result, both the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry advocate for the use of dental sealants in all children.

For over four decades, dental sealants have been effectively utilized and their usage continues to surge. It is recommended that children receive sealants on their permanent molars as soon as they emerge. Not only do dental sealants offer protective benefits, but they also possess long-lasting durability. The process of applying dental sealants is brief and painless. However, there may be some slight discomfort initially as the child adapts to having an extra layer of material on their back teeth.

Sealants can be beneficial for both children and adults, however, the earlier they are applied, the better the long-term results. It is recommended that children receive sealants on their permanent molars as soon as they erupt, which typically occurs around six years old for the first molars and around twelve years old for the second molars. By protecting teeth during a child's most cavity-prone years, sealants can help prevent future dental problems.

In addition to aiding permanent teeth, dental sealants may also be advantageous for baby teeth. As baby teeth play a crucial role in maintaining proper spacing for permanent teeth, it is essential to keep them healthy and in place until they fall out naturally. If considering sealants for a younger child, ensure that they are capable of keeping their mouth open for an extended period and sitting still during the procedure.

The Advantages and Disadvantages

Dental sealants offer several advantages, including their protective properties, durability, and longevity. Studies indicate that sealants can prevent up to 80% of cavities for up to two years after application and continue to protect against up to 50% of cavities for up to four years, with some sealants lasting up to nine years.

However, there are some drawbacks to consider. Children may require sealants to be reapplied if they become dislodged, chipped, or worn away. Biting into hard foods or consuming acidic foods excessively can cause sealants to chip or wear away, and it is essential to monitor what a child eats, particularly right after the sealant application. The application of sealants may temporarily alter a patient's bite, but this typically resolves on its own.

Regular dental visits are necessary to monitor and maintain sealants' condition and reapply them as required. Thus, sealants need to be regularly checked to ensure they are not wearing away.

The process of applying dental sealants

It is a simple and painless procedure. Firstly, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned and dried. Then, an acidic gel is applied to the tooth surface to promote a robust bond between the tooth and the sealant. After rinsing off the gel and drying the teeth, the sealant is placed onto the chewing surface grooves. Finally, a curing light is used to harden the sealant onto the tooth.

During the procedure, we will examine the surface for any issues, and if present, the sealant may be touched up or reapplied. Once completed, we will rinse the newly sealed teeth clean. There are no known side effects associated with the procedure, and patients do not require any eating or drinking restrictions after treatment.

The Post-Sealant Experience

After the application of dental sealants, some children may experience mild discomfort as they adjust to the additional layer of material on their back teeth. This may cause the sensation of not being able to fit their back teeth together properly. However, this feeling should subside within a day or so, as the thin film of the sealant becomes integrated into the tooth.

Another common reaction is a strange taste immediately following the application of the sealant. In most cases, a thorough rinse of the mouth or a sip of a flavored drink can help alleviate the taste. Our dental team is available to address any concerns or issues that may arise after the application of sealants.

Get Dental Sealants at Georgetown TX

If you are looking for dental sealants in Georgetown TX or surrounding areas you might be looking for us. We are a private dental clinic in Georgetown TX offering dental sealant services for children and adults alike. To book an appointment or get a consultation about the service call us at (512) 863-7561 . We’ll help you in making the right decision that will be helpful for you now and even for the future.

When you visit us for dental sealants service we start with cleaning your teeth. After that, we’ll apply medicated gel and let it dry. Next, we’ll rinse your tooth before applying the dental sealants. It is typically one visit works and requires only a couple of minutes to apply sealants.

The process is very smooth overall and sometimes patient amazed that it's done. Sometimes patients get nervous that these sealants might annoy them but the fact is it’ll barely be noticeable and you won't feel much change. Yes, if you spread your tongue on your teeth you feel slight something but it does not feel uncomfortable in any way.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a liquid material applied to the grooves and depressions on the surface of teeth, primarily molars, to create a plastic coating that bonds to the tooth’s surface. This coating protects teeth from lingering food and bacteria, ultimately helping to prevent decay.

Dental sealants can be beneficial for both children and adults, particularly those prone to tooth decay. However, they are typically recommended for children and teens to prevent cavities.

The cost of dental sealants varies depending on factors like location, insurance plan, and the number of treated teeth. Patients should contact their insurance provider for more information.

No, the process of applying dental sealants is painless and straightforward. A dental professional will brush the plastic coating onto the teeth, causing no discomfort. Dental sealants also prevent cavities that can cause tooth pain and damage.

With proper care, dental sealants can last for many years. During regular dental checkups, the dental team will check for any signs of wear and tear and reapply sealants as needed. If necessary, sealants can be replaced without difficulty.