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Early Orthodontic Treatment HQ Dental Georgetown, TX

Early-Orthodontic-Treatment-Georgetown, TX

Early Orthodontic Treatment is taking your child at the age of 6 or 7 to meet the orthodontic dentist. They will look at the X-rays and check the child's oral health to ensure that the permanent tooth will come has no orthodontic problems. It reduces the risks of crowded teeth, gaps between the teeth, and many other issues. And, ensures that permanent teeth will come in proper shape.

At our clinic in georgetown, kid's orthodontic treatment is available. So, if you have kids at the age of 6 and 7 and not all permanent tooth developed, we’ll recommend you to take them our clinic. Our kid-friendly dentist knows how to make a dental visit in a fun way to give more enjoyment to the kids. We are located in Georgetown TX, 78628, and serving patients in nearby areas. Book an appointment, call us (512) 863-7561 , or visit our clinic for further information

Tan Nguyen

HQ Dental is among the best dental clinics I have visited. I think their secret is the true care of patients.

Anastassia Moser

Everyone who worked in my mouth was extremely gentle, yet thorough. They’ve certainly found a patient for life

Early Orthodontic Treatment Issues: Causes and Effects

Children who still have their baby teeth may display indicators that some issues require Early Orthodontic Treatment to be fixed. Early treatment may be appropriate for kids with other teeth or teeth that are exceptionally crowded. Too many spaces between the teeth could also indicate a need for early orthodontic treatment.

Children with bite issues may also benefit from early orthodontics and the spacing and placement of their teeth. Early orthodontics may be used to successfully cure underbites, in which the lower teeth protrude further from the upper teeth, and crossbites, in which the jaw appears to move to one side.

The most frequent cause of bite issues in early childhood is genetics. However, some of these issues may be brought on by thumb-sucking, extended dummy usage, or bottle use.

Phase 1 of Treatment

The orthodontist may employ a range of dental appliances during phase 1 of therapy to assist in realigning the patient's teeth. Phase 1 treatment typically starts when the child's baby teeth are still present. Some early orthodontic procedures include braces throughout phase 1 of the treatment.

The orthodontist may employ space maintainers or spacers to assist out crowded teeth. Additionally, some phase 1 treatment methods employ expanders to assist in softly expanding the palate.

To better position the jawbone and the eruption of permanent teeth, phase 1 therapy may also include devices like headgear, retainers, and braces.

To better place the jawbone and permanent teeth, "Phase 1 treatment may include appliances such as headgear, retainers, and braces."
Depending on the degree and details of the child’s bite or dental alignment issues, this therapy period may last nine to 18 months. Before beginning phase 2, certain patients might need to undergo a resting phase.
"It may be better to choose phase 2 treatment only if the child has already lost most of their baby teeth."
Kid-Friendly-Dentist HQ Dental Design

Timeline for Treatment

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, children should visit an orthodontist by age 7. Typically, phase 1 orthodontic treatment starts around age six and lasts until age 9. Given the degree and specificity of the child's bite or tooth alignment issues, this therapy period could span anywhere from nine to 18 months.

Achieving Phase 2 of the Treatment

Phase 2 orthodontic treatment follows phase 1 orthodontic treatment. Before moving on to Phase 2, HQ Dental meticulously assesses each patient's improvement during Phase 1. Phase 2 of an early orthodontic treatment plan entails the following:

  • Resting: Before beginning phase 2, certain patients might need to go through a resting phase. The individual may need to be put on a retainer and attend monitoring appointments throughout this phase. The orthodontist won't put new dental devices or braces on teeth while resting.

  • Straightening: The youngster is then prepared for braces. Our staff attaches the brackets, bands, and wires to the child's teeth during a visit. It could take this period anywhere from 12 to 24 months.

  • Monitoring. The patient is required to attend routine monitoring appointments during phase 2 of treatment. The dentist will assess the patient's development and can make modifications during a visit. The orthodontist may advise using a retainer after complete treatment to maintain the teeth straight.

When Treatment Should Be Deferred Until Phase 2

While many situations can benefit from a two-phased approach to orthodontics, other patients may be okay skipping phase 1. It can be preferable to choose phase 2 treatment only if the child has lost most of their baby teeth. Furthermore, some individuals with minimal issues might not require intensive phase 1 treatments.

Book An Appointment Today

Orthodontic treatments are the easiest to treat if detected early. It's not recommended to wait for all permanent teeth to come when oral growth is complete. Once the teeth growth is completed and if there’s an issue there then it may require a complete procedure like Invisalign for teens or others. Orthodontics recommends taking your child as early as 6 to 7 years of age. Not all children need early treatment.

Either the child needs early orthodontic treatment or not is can be tell by dentist. So, it's best to visit and meet them. We are located in Georgetown TX and serve patients in nearby areas. So, if you are looking for a similar treatment for your kids, we’ll highly recommend you to visit our clinic or call us at (512) 863-7561 . We are open Mon to Fri 8:00 am to 5 pm

Frequently Asked Questions About Early Orthodontic Treatment

Most of a child’s baby teeth are still present by age 6 or 7. According to the American Dental Association, most kids at this age also have their permanent two front teeth and their first adult molars. This child’s adult teeth are crucial in determining

Children may need to visit the office for appointments every four to eight weeks during the phase 1 therapy cycle. To monitor progress, these regular monitoring appointments are required. There will still be a requirement to attend routine monitoring and adjustment appointments after the kid enters phase 2.

A dental item called an expander is used in orthodontic therapy to widen the structure of the palate. This facilitates more space for phase 2 treatment and adult teeth. Children may have upper or low palate expanders placed in their mouths for weeks or months.

Some patients might require spacers during the first several months of early orthodontic therapy. Small bands called spacers are inserted between the teeth to create room for upcoming dental appliances. Rubber spacers and metal spacers can both be worn for a week or two.

Because early orthodontic treatment involves numerous stages, there may be several occasions when post-procedure care is necessary. After getting an expander, a dental device, or braces, children could experience some discomfort. A few hours following treatment, the orthodontist may also give directions on brief dietary changes.