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Gum Disease Management HQ Dental Georgetown, TX

Gum Disease Management HQ Dental Georgetown, TX

Gum disease also known as periodontal disease is a serious gum infection that infects the soft tissues around the teeth. It is developed by not taking care of your mouth properly. It all starts when a plaque forms in your mouth.

This layer of plaque is filled with bacteria leading to gingivitis, which is a milder form of gum disease and soon if not taken care of properly leading to serious gum disease. The layer of plaque that develops at first can easily be removed by simple oral hygiene but treating severe gum infection will require more time and budget. That’s why it's essential to brush and floss daily and visit at least 2 times a year at the dentist for regular dental care.

At HQ dental Georgetown TX, we have the solution to treat your gum disease. We understand that sometimes patients feel ashamed of showing teeth filled with infection. and, some have dental anxiety. But, we respect your coming and try our best to treat your gum infection to schedule an appointment visit us or leave a call at +1 (512) 863-7561

Ari Marco

HQ Dental team have done fantastic high quality routine and cosmetic work on my teeth as well as my families. There is no better dentist in Georgetown.

Tan Nguyen

HQ Dental is among the best dental clinics I have visited. I think their secret is the true care of patients.

Anastassia Moser

Everyone who worked in my mouth was extremely gentle, yet thorough. They’ve certainly found a patient for life

Poor hygiene is often the root cause of most cases of gum disease.

Patients must be aware of the symptoms of gum disease in order to recognise them.

The less intrusive the necessary treatments are, the earlier gum disease symptoms are identified.

About half of all American adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have periodontal disease.

Preventing Gum Disease Management

in Gum Disease Management, Want to avoid the discomfort and hassle of gum disease? It's all about taking care of your oral health! Poor oral hygiene is often the culprit behind most cases of gum disease, which means that a good oral hygiene routine is your first line of defense. Make sure to brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day, and don't forget to floss daily – it's especially important to floss before brushing to remove any trapped bacteria and food particles. Regular dental check-ups are also crucial, especially if you're at higher risk of developing gum disease due to factors like smoking, certain medications, or dry mouth. If you fall into one of these classes, it's recommended that you get a professional cleaning every six to 12 months to keep your gums healthy and strong. By staying on top of your oral hygiene, you can keep gum disease at bay and enjoy a healthy, happy smile.

Gum disease can remain unnoticed for a while, especially if there is no accompanying pain, and even in the later stages, symptoms can be subtle. Therefore, it is crucial for patients to be aware of the signs of gum disease so they can recognize them. Symptoms of gum disease may include

  • ● Changes in bite
  • ● Changes in the fit of partial dentures
  • ● Deep pockets forming between teeth and gums
  • ● Bleeding gums during and after brushing, loose or shifting teeth
  • ● Stubborn bad breath or foul taste in the mouth
  • ● Receding, red, swollen, or tender gums.

However, some people may still have gum disease even without experiencing these symptoms, and it may only affect certain teeth. If you suspect any dental issues, our team is here to help in Gum Disease Management

Treating Gum Disease Management

Early gum disease detection allows for less intrusive treatment methods. Treatment options include root scrubbing, planing, and antibiotics. Antibiotics can be ingested or administered topically to treat infections. To remove tartar and germs from tooth surfaces and below the gum line and to smooth the root surfaces, root scaling and planing are typically done in tandem.

More invasive treatments, such oral surgery, can be necessary for gum disease that has progressed further. These therapies could involve directed tissue regeneration, flap surgery, pocket reduction surgery, soft tissue grafts, and tissue-stimulating proteins. Bone regeneration can be aided by guided tissue regeneration and bone grafting, and pocket reduction surgery may make root scaling and planing more efficient. Tissue-stimulating proteins may encourage the formation of healthy bone and tissue, and soft tissue grafts can strengthen injured soft tissue.

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Gum Disease Management Statistics

Almost 50% of American people, a percentage that rises with age, with 70% of adults over 65 reporting the ailment, having periodontal disease, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Moreover, men are more likely than women to have periodontal disease. The CDC works with groups like the American Dental Association to address this problem by enhancing and maintaining monitoring of periodontal disease in the adult Americans.

Book Your Appointment At Georgtown TX Dentist

When you have serious gum disease it's a time to visit a gum specialist (periodontist) even if you have a mild infection. If its not treat properly right now, it can cause serious problems later on. Living with the infection can damage the teeth and the supporting bones. Also, the infection will start spreading to the rest of the body leading to the weak immune system. Furthermore, it can lead to number of other problems like receding gums, bone damage, and even tooth loss.

The goal of overall treatment is to clean the pockets around the teeth. Also, to overcome the damage caused by the bacteria. If the case is severe we need to perform oral surgery to clean the the and restore the bones. But, for milder cases, surgery might not be required. It all can be told when you visit our dental clinic in Georgetown. And, we can tell you what's right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gum Disease Management

To diagnose gum disease, a dentist will review the patient’s medical history to rule out any other potential causes of their symptoms. Then, the dentist will examine the patient’s mouth for signs of disease and measure the depth of the pockets between the gums and teeth. X-rays may also be taken to check for bone loss in areas where deeper pockets are found.

in Gum Disease Management, Recent research suggests that there is an association between gum disease and cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that gum disease increases a patient’s risk of heart disease by around 20%, potentially due to inflammation and bacteria in the gums leading to the narrowing of arteries.

in Gum Disease Management, Several factors can increase the risk of developing gum disease, including poor oral hygiene, gingivitis, inadequate nutrition, smoking or tobacco use, recreational drug use, certain genetic conditions, medications, pre-existing health problems, and hormonal changes.

Yes, Gum Disease Management can affect patients of all ages, with chronic gingivitis being more common in children, and aggressive periodontitis affecting otherwise healthy young people. Hormonal changes during puberty may also increase the risk of generalized aggressive periodontitis.

in Gum Disease Management, A type of gum irritation called gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, which is another name for gum disease, if left untreated. Before periodontitis develops, a dental team can work with patients to treat the symptoms of gingivitis.