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How to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

How to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

As per a research survey, most American adults aged between 18-49 wish to have whiter teeth and have spent approximately $1.4 billion on to whiten your teeth at home

Several options are available when looking for teeth whitening products. However, some people might be concerned that these teeth-whitening products are filled with chemicals that are added to bleach your teeth.

If you are searching for chemical-free teeth whitening products, this article lists several safer and natural options to brighten up your teeth. Below are a few methods that you can use to whiten your teeth at home naturally.

Oil Pulling Method to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

The oil-pulling method is an old remedy that has been traditionally used by the people of India. Apart from improving your oral dental hygiene this method also removes harmful toxins from your body.

The method involves swishing oil inside your mouth. This will remove the harmful bacteria that build up inside as plaque producing yellowish discoloration of your teeth. A popular choice for oil pulling is coconut oil because of its pleasant taste and numerous health benefits

Moreover, coconut oil also has a high amount of lauric acid which is popular for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Studies suggest that practicing oil pulling daily removes harmful bacteria and also reduces the chances of plaque and gingivitis.

Brushing Your Teeth with Baking Soda

Baking soda is commonly used in commercially available toothpaste because of its natural ability to whiten teeth. Because of its abrasive nature, it scrubs away the stains on the surface of the teeth. Additionally, it prevents bacterial growth by creating an alkaline environment in your mouth.

You may not see immediate results with this remedy, but over time you will notice a difference in your teeth. According to a study, toothpaste with baking soda is more effective than regular toothpaste in reducing plaque, gum inflammation, and bleeding.

Moreover, another study found that toothpaste with baking soda removes stains and whitens teeth more effectively than regular toothpaste. This remedy can be used by mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda (6 grams) and 2 teaspoons of water (5ml) to make a paste. You have to brush your teeth with this paste a few times per week.

Hydrogen Peroxide Whiten Your Teeth At Home.

Hydrogen Peroxide is a natural bleaching agent that can be used orally to kill bacteria in the mouth. In fact, due to its antibacterial properties, it has also been utilized for years to disinfect wounds.

Many commercial teeth whitening products contain a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide than your home whitening treatments.

A study concluded that toothpaste with a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide were more effective in whitening teeth after 12 weeks compared to toothpastes with lower concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.

In another study, hydrogen peroxide toothpastes were found to be more effective in reducing coffee stains on teeth compared to toothpastes containing charcoal and other abrasive ingredients.

Adding Fruits and Vegetables to The Diet

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is not only good for the body but is also beneficial for your teeth. In addition to regular brushing, consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can also help remove plaque from your teeth. Fruits that are proven to help in teeth whitening include Strawberries and Pineapples

Eating Strawberries Whiten Your Teeth At Home.

A popular natural remedy that has also been used by celebrities is cleaning your teeth with a mixture of strawberries and baking soda.

Users claim that teeth whitening from this method occurs due to malic acid found in strawberries, while baking soda removes stains from teeth. However, this has not been proved scientifically.

Since strawberries may tend to exfoliate your teeth and make them look brighter, they might not be able to penetrate those stains on your teeth.

In 2015, a study stated that combining strawberries and baking does not significantly affect tooth color compared to other commercially available products.


Some people claim that pineapple may have teeth-whitening properties.

A study claimed that in comparison to a control group, a gel containing bromelain (an enzyme found in pineapple) tends to remove stains from your teeth. However, it is not proven that eating pineapples would have the same effect on the color of your teeth.

Benefits of Brushing and Flossing

Tooth discoloration often comes with age, resulting in the buildup of plaque. If you do brush regularly it can help your teeth maintain whiteness and prevent the buildup of any sort of plaque or cavities. What toothpaste does is it cleans out all the stains, and flossing helps remove bacteria so you have minimum chances of building a plaque.

For more comprehensive care, consider finding a dentist near me. It's also important to check your dental insurance to ensure coverage for regular check-ups and cleanings. In case of sudden issues, having access to emergency dentistry can be crucial for prompt treatment. These are important for whiten your teeth at home

Non-Proven Methods To Whiten Your Teeth At Home.

Here are a few popular methods to whiten your teeth at home. However, no study or evidence is backing up. Some unproven methods to whiten your teeth at home include so you'll be stay free from tooth pain and maintain proper dental care

  • ● Charcoal: It is popular that brushing with charcoal helps in whitening teeth at home but there are not many studies that show its effectiveness.
  • ● Kaolin clay: People claim that brushing with clay helps remove stains from the teeth.
  • ● Peeling Fruit on Teeth: Many believe that rubbing banana, orange, or lemon peels on your teeth helps make them whiter.
  • ● Apple Cider Vinegar: it has many other health advantages but no evidence using it as a mouthwash can help in whiten your teeth at home.


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