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Oral Cancer Screening HQ Dental Georgetown, TX

Oral Cancer Screening HQ Dental Georgetown, TX

Oral cancer screening looks for the signs of cancer in your mouth. Dentist includes it in their regular dental care to see if there’s any sign of cancer developing or not.

They’ll look in the area such mouth, jaw, tongue cheek lining, lips, and tonsils. This exam can determine any symptoms earlier so it’ll be easy to treat. If your dentist have doubt for anything they’ll refer you to an oncologist for further treatment.

oral cancer screening is available in our dental clinic. We are located in Georgetown Texas, 78628 so, if you live nearby, you can visit us for any consultation or treatment. We’ll offer one of the best dental treatments a affordable charges. To schedule an appointment today, please call us NOW (512) 863-7561 .

Ari Marco

HQ Dental team have done fantastic high quality routine and cosmetic work on my teeth as well as my families. There is no better dentist in Georgetown.

Tan Nguyen

HQ Dental is among the best dental clinics I have visited. I think their secret is the true care of patients.

Anastassia Moser

Everyone who worked in my mouth was extremely gentle, yet thorough. They’ve certainly found a patient for life

Why Have Regular Oral Cancer Screenings?

Regular oral cancer screenings are just as important as routine dental checkups . The good news is that patients can request both procedures to be performed simultaneously. Unfortunately, oral cancer symptoms typically do not appear until the disease has already spread. This is why early detection through regular screenings can make it easier to treat oral cancer when there is a higher chance of achieving remission, according to the National Cancer Institute.

While experts recommend that everyone should have a dental checkup at least once a year, there is no consensus on how frequently patients should undergo oral cancer screenings, according to WebMD . A comprehensive exam performed by a dentist can determine the appropriate frequency of screenings for a particular patient.

Preventative Dental Care HQ Dental Design

Detecting oral cancer in its early stages increases the likelihood of successful treatment and remission.

Certain groups may derive more benefits from regular oral cancer screenings than others.

Although there is no conclusive evidence linking screenings to a decrease in oral cancer deaths, regular screenings can facilitate the early detection of cancers when the chances of remission are higher.

Oral cancer screenings are typically included as a routine part of a dental appointment and require no special preparation from the patient.

Depending on the individual patient’s circumstances, the dentist may administer additional tests in addition to the standard screening.

Groups at High Risk for Oral Cancer

Some individuals or age groups are at a higher risk of developing oral cancer and may benefit from regular screenings. Common risk factors for oral cancer include, but are not limited to:

  • A previous history of oral cancer
  • Certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight
  • Tobacco use in any form

Patients who are anxious about their risk of oral cancer may benefit from consulting a medical professional to review their medical history and determine the appropriate frequency of screenings.

What are the Limitations of Oral Cancer Screenings

Regular oral cancer screenings are crucial for maintaining good health, but it's important to note that Mayo Clinic acknowledges the limitations of relying solely on a visual examination to detect abnormal cells. Therefore, there is always a risk of missing small signs of cancer or precancerous lesions.

Not every unusual cell grouping indicates the presence of cancer; a biopsy is necessary to confirm a diagnosis. Early detection through regular screenings will allow patients to explore more treatment options if cancer is present.

Although there is currently no concrete evidence linking oral cancer screenings to a reduction in oral cancer-related deaths, regular screenings can help identify cancers in their early stages when the chances of remission are higher.

What to Anticipate During an Oral Cancer Screening

Getting an oral cancer screening is a routine part of a regular dental appointment and requires no special preparation from the patient. During the screening, the dentist will conduct a thorough examination of the patient's mouth, including:

  • The gums
  • The tongue
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • The insides of the cheeks
  • The roof of the mouth
  • The outside and inside of the lips
  • The back of the throath

For patients with dentures, it's necessary to remove them to allow the dentist to check the tissue beneath them, as well as the area underneath the jaw. The entire screening typically lasts no more than five minutes.

Other Tests After Oral Cancer Screenings

After a basic oral cancer screening, a dentist may conduct more specialized tests depending on the patient's individual needs. These tests can include:

Rinsing the patient's mouth with blue dye to highlight any abnormal cells

Shining a light in the patient's mouth to highlight unusual tissue that may be cancerous

If any of these tests indicate the presence of oral cancer or precancerous lesions, the patient will need to undergo a biopsy. During this procedure, a sample of cells will be removed for laboratory testing. In some cases, a follow-up appointment may be necessary to monitor any changes or growth in the abnormal area detected during the screening.

Wher to Find Oral Cancer Screenings?

You might have understood how important is oral cancer screening is. When it affects nearly 54000 people in the USA every year. And, the most shocking report is only 57% of people have a survival rate of 5 years. It means more than 50% of people who are diagnosed with it survive only for 5 years. So, the solution is a regular dental checkup.

If you visit your dentist at least 2 times a year they’ll perform an oral cancer screening. This helps in look for any signs early and the dentist can treat it. If you are looking for affordable dentistry in Georgetown texas, you can visit us or call us to book an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer screenings are typically painless. However, advanced oral cancer treatment may cause some discomfort.

Patients should immediately see a dentist if they experience the following:

Shifts in denture fit

Difficulty or discomfort while swallowing

Mouth sores or ulcers that bleed easily or do not heal

Red or white patches in the mouth

Pain or tenderness in teeth or gums

Weird lump or swelling in the neck, throat, or mouth

Seeable changes in mouth tissue

Diminished ability to perform normal oral functions (such as chewing, opening jaw, swallowing)

Oral cancer can impact any area of the mouth. It is classified into two categories: those affecting the oral cavity (including the lips, gums, teeth, front two-thirds of the tongue, roof and floor of the mouth, and inner lining of the lips and cheeks) and those affecting the oropharynx (including the tonsils and base of the tongue within the middle region of the throat).

While there is no proven way to completely prevent oral cancer, adopting a healthy lifestyle may help minimize your chances. This includes reducing alcohol consumption, avoiding tobacco use, and applying sunscreen to your lips. Regular dental checkups are also important.

Oral cancer is classified into four stages, with stage 1 having a tumor size of 2cm or smaller, with no lymph node involvement. Stage 2 has a tumor size of 4cm or smaller, without lymph node involvement. Stage 3 is characterized by a larger tumor size with or without spread to one lymph node. In contrast, stage 4 cancer involves the spread of the tumor to other body parts, regardless of size. Early detection through oral cancer screenings can identify stage 0 cancer before cells become cancerous, increasing the five-year survival rate for those detected in the earliest stages.