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Why Do My Teeth Hurt When Eat Sweets

Why Do My Teeth Hurt When Eat Sweets

Learn why your teeth hurt when eat Sweets. Eating or drinking sweets has two detrimental effects on teeth. Sugary foods and drinks have the potential to harm teeth and increase sensitivity.

Teeth that have grown sensitised to sugar might also hurt or feel uncomfortable when sweet meals and beverages are consumed.

In addition to frequent sugar consumption, poor oral hygiene habits can cause further harm to your teeth and cause teeth hurt when eat sweets. All of this may result in teeth that are excessively sensitive to heat, cold, and other stimuli.

What Sweets To Avoid

Sweets can make teeth that are broken or extremely sensitive uncomfortable to eat or drink. Among the most egregious offenders are

  • ● Cough droplets and hard candies. Long-term sucking of sweets causes teeth to get immersed in an acidic environment.
  • ● Sticky or gummy candies. Dried fruit, honey, frosting, and gummy bears.
  • ● Orange juice may not seem like the worst food choice, but it contains a lot of sugar and naturally occurring citric acid, which can erode teeth even more.
  • ● Avoid soft Drinks: In addition to being very sugary, colas and other sodas also contain acid.

5 Causes Why Your Teeth Hurt When Eat Sweets

Tooth damage might lead to heightened susceptibility to sweets. There are several reasons why your teeth hurt when eat sweets:

1. Loss Of Enamel:

Fermentable carbohydrates are found in sugar-filled meals and beverages. Acid is created in the mouth when dangerous bacteria and fermentable carbohydrates combine. Erosion results from the acid's removal of minerals from tooth enamel if it isn't washed or brushed away.

Teeth become more susceptible and stimuli-sensitive when enamel is lost. and, can be a reason of teeth hurt when eat sweets

Minerals found in saliva aid in the restoration of minerals to dental enamel. But if you graze on sweets all the time, like chocolate candy, your saliva won't have as much chance to replenish the minerals that teeth enamel requires.

2. Cavities:

A sticky substance known as plaque accumulates on teeth and under the gum line as a result of bacteria in your mouth that are fed on sugar. Cavities can be a culprit of teeth hurt when eat sweets.

Tooth enamel becomes demineralized due to the acidic composition of plaque. Acid and germs may penetrate teeth once the enamel has worn down, exposing the fragile dentin within.

Cavities are caused by tooth decay. Cavities begin as holes in the enamel of teeth. They become deeper and bigger if they are not filled. Acids, germs, sugary meals, and liquids can all get inside a cavity and cause startling, unexpected discomfort.

3. Gingivitis:

Plaque buildup can also be the cause of gum disease. Tartar is created on teeth when plaque hardens. Gum irritation from tartar and plaque can result in:

  • ● Inflammatory response
  • ● Infection
  • ● Swelling
  • ● Bleeding

Because exposed gum tissue exposes nerve endings found in the tooth's roots, it can make teeth more sensitive.

4. Gums That Recede:

The purpose of your gums is to shield each tooth's root from damage and to cover the bone. The roots of your teeth may become visible as you become older due to gum recession.

Recessing gums can be made worse by cigarette smoking and vigorous tooth cleaning. Gum disease and poor oral hygiene also have a big impact.

5. Treatments For Teeth Whitening:

One of the ingredients in teeth whiteners that lighten stains is hydrogen peroxide.

For this to be effective, the peroxide has to penetrate the tooth and reach the dentin inside. As a result, teeth could become more sensitive. and can be cause teeth hurt when eat sweets

How it feels

teeth hurt when eat sweets cause face to experience a range of feelings, especially if you have damaged or sensitive teeth. Among them are:

  • ● Tingling
  • ● Painful
  • ● Acute, piercing, excruciating pain
  • ● Referable discomfort down the side of your face, in your eyes, or your sinuse


Using toothpaste made specifically for sensitive teeth or mild enamel loss might be beneficial.

The way sensitive toothpaste functions is by covering teeth's dentin tubules. These are tiny tubes that penetrate the tooth's dentin layer from under the enamel. Dental bonding could be necessary for severely deteriorated tooth enamel. If you get your teeth bonded, a resin substance that matches your teeth will be applied. Filling cavities will significantly reduce sensitivity if you have any.

Antibiotics, scaling (which entails removing plaque from your teeth), and thorough cleaning are all effective treatments for gingivitis and periodontal disease.

In addition to scaling and rigorous cleaning, topical antibiotic application may be used to treat receding gums. If the disease is serious, surgical procedures like grafting could be suggested. After teeth whitening, sensitivity is frequently momentary. It could just take a few days to abstain from sweets and hot and cold beverages. Until the problem is resolved, you can also use toothpaste made specifically for sensitive teeth.

What To Avoid

These pointers will assist prevent tooth decay and minimise discomfort from sugar consumption:

  • ● Sugar avoidance can aid in cavity prevention.
  • ● If you chew, smoke cigarettes, or inhale nicotine products, you should think about stopping.
  • ● At least twice a day, clean your teeth using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • ● Floss as frequently as you can.
  • ● Brush after every meal if you consume sweets or other meals heavy in carbs, such as potato chips
  • ● Sugar-free gum could be an alternative if you are unable to brush after eating. Gum without sugar is an excellent alternative to sucking candy
  • ● If at all feasible, schedule a cleaning appointment with a dentist twice a year.

When To Visit A Dentist

Consult a dentist if:

  • ● You use sensitive toothpaste for a week, but the discomfort in your teeth doesn't go away. You might need to get treated for a cavity or infection.
  • ● Your gums are swollen, bleeding, white, or puffy.
  • ● One of the fillings fell out.
  • ● You experience pain or any other kind of feeling that bothers you or gets in the way of your regular activities.

These are a few reasons you should consult a dentist if teeth hurt when eat sweets.

Conclusion: Teeth hurt when eat sweets

Your teeth hurt when eat sweets if they are damaged or sensitive. Dental disorders including cavities and enamel loss can exacerbate tooth sensitivity. Maintaining dental health can help make teeth less susceptible to stimuli, including sugary meals. Eating or drinking hot or cold items may also cause discomfort in your teeth if you have sensitive teeth.


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