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Pros and Cons of Deep Cleaning Teeth

Pros and Cons of Deep Cleaning Teeth

Maintaining good dental hygiene may ward against gum disease and foul breath. Thus, it's important to brush and floss regularly and visit the dentist for a basic cleaning twice a year.

However, a dentist could sometimes suggest a thorough cleaning. Gum recession, loose teeth, and bleeding gums are all indicators that you may benefit from a comprehensive cleaning.

Deep Cleaning teeth, also known as root planing or periodontal scaling, are frequent procedures, but they are not without danger.

Here is all the information you need to know about goods and bads of deep cleaning teeth.

What Is Meant By Deep Cleaning Teeth?

By removing plaque and tartar formation from your teeth, a thorough cleaning can lessen gum irritation and enhance gum health.

A sticky substance called plaque builds up on teeth. When food particles and saliva combine, they create and become infected with germs. Plaque builds up on teeth every day and may be removed with regular brushing.

But not all of the plaque in between your teeth can be removed by brushing. Tartar is created when leftover plaque melts or hardens.

Gum disease is a result of plaque or tartar buildup. gum disease, or gum inflammation, is one example of this. gum disease can progress to periodontitis if treatment is not received. The bone that supports the teeth is destroyed by this dangerous illness.

Pros of Deep Cleaning Teeth

If gum disease pushes your gums away from your teeth and leaves a void that is deeper than five millimetres (mm), you may require a thorough cleaning.

The distance between your gums and teeth may keep growing if gum disease becomes worse. This may result in loose teeth or tooth loss by weakening the bones supporting your teeth.

The following are some advantages of deep cleaning teeth:

  • ● Stopping the spread of gum disease.
  • ● Addressing an existing illness and supporting recovery.
  • ● Brushing both your teeth and the gum line.
  • ● Removing gum disease-related foul breath .
  • ● Defending your teeth roots.

Cons of Deep Cleaning Teeth

Deep cleaning teeth has certain hazards even if it can help heal gum disease. The following are some problems with thoroughly cleaning teeth:

  • ● Can harm nerves .
  • ● Does not ensure that your gums will grow back to cover your teeth.
  • ● Could give rise to the recession of your gums
  • ● potential illness if your immune system is weakened both discomfort and sensitivity Sensitivity and pain are the most frequent adverse effects. .

  • Deep cleaning teeth typically has very little risk and lasts for five to seven days; but, in severe situations, this might last for for several weeks.

What Does Deep Cleaning Teeth Includes?

Deep cleaning teeth are not the same as regular cleanings. Regular cleaning removes plaque and tartar above the gum line. throughout, tartar and plaque are removed from below the gum line during a thorough cleaning.

Tartar and plaque can get caught in the crevice or gap that gum disease creates between your teeth and gums. This accumulation is removed by cleaning below the gum line.

Root Planning And Gum Scaling Are Steps In Deep Cleaning.

During two or more visits, root planing and gum scaling are common procedures for deep cleanings. A visit might go anywhere from one to two hours.

During the tooth scaling procedure, your dentist will remove tartar and plaque from the area behind your gums. Your dentist will remove tartar and plaque that has built up on the roots of your teeth during the root planning appointment. By doing this, you can encourage your gums to reattach to your teeth by narrowing the gap that exists between them.

You May Need Antibiotics.

You may need to take an antibiotic for a few days if you have a weakened immune system. This is because following the surgery, there is a chance of infection. Furthermore, there is a chance that extensive cleanings will occasionally discharge germs into the blood.

Does Deep Cleaning Hurt?

Because teeth scaling and root planing can be unpleasant, your gums will be made numb using a topical or local anaesthetic. After your therapy, some sensitivity is to be expected. It's possible for your gums to swell and for there to be light bleeding.

Techniques For Lowering Sensitivity Following Surgery

For a few days following your surgery, eating soft foods (yoghurt, applesauce, or mashed potatoes) will assist in minimizing irritation. Moreover, steer clear of really hot or cold foods and beverages.

Inflammation can be decreased by using over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, and by rinsing with warm salt water.

Frequent brushing and flossing decreases new gum irritation and encourages recovery. Every day, at least twice a day, use a toothbrush with soft bristles and floss once a day.

Where to Get Dental Deep Cleaning In Georgetown TX?

If you are living in Georgetown tx and looking for deep cleaning then you can visit our georgetown clinic. Where our professional doctors and Dental hygienist knows how to do it professionaly without breaking your bank. Learn more about our Dental deep cleaning service visit our clinic or call us.


A thorough cleaning of the teeth encourages the repair of gum disease and helps eliminate foul breath. Given the dangers related to deep cleanings, it's critical to be aware of any potential issues or side effects.

It's a frequent and safe surgery, although thereafter, some sensitivity and swelling are to be expected. Visit the dentist. See your dentist if, more than a week following your operation, swelling, bleeding, or discomfort persists.


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